Wednesday, December 28, 2011
December 26, 2011
Holy Smokes, I saw my Dads beard.... YESSSSSS
Well this week has been a good one, and ended even better! On Christmas day I skyped the fam! I cant believe its already been 4 months since i had seen them, the time is flying by. Which is good and stinks at the same time, of course i miss everybody and want to return and everything but at the same time, its the best thing for my life to be here serving a mission. I have learned so much in these 4 short months and have really changed my life around a lot. I love the gospel in a way that i never new existed before the mission. I love it and want to live it the rest of my life and for eternity. I dont see how i could ever go back to some of the things i was doing before or i guess a better way to say it is the things i wasnt doing. The gospel brings more happiness then anything of the world can bring. It brings an eternal happiness, not just a live in the momen happiness that worldly things do.
I hope everybody had a great Christmas because i know i did. The best present i have received in my life yet, was getting to see and talk with my family. Man i love you guys so much. It was the hardest thing to bear my testimony to you yesterday because i knew that our times was coming to a close to talk and see each other until May. But always know that i know with every part of my body and soul that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ, the same Church that He established on the Earth when He was here.
I love you guys so much, hope you enjoy some pictures from my CTM time, Boituva time, and now a tiny of Jardim California.
Elder Gleason
D&C 103:12 and Alma 24:10-14
Monday, December 19, 2011
December 19 ,2011
So kind of some big news... I was TRANSFERRED already! Second transfer and now my second area holy smokes. I'm still in the same stake and have the same companion and everything but I am now in the ward Jardim California in Sorocaba. Sorocaba is probably about the size of Salt Lake City or somewhere around there not really sure, so its a pretty big city. Me and Elder Williams are opening an area that has been closed for about 3 weeks or so, and its had sisters here for like 2 years or something like that. So its a little different and definately hard opening an area with a falt of missionaries for half a transfer. Usually one missionary stays in the area so that they know the area, the members, investigators, and all that stuff, but nope we're both coming in blind. So its pretty hard, we had no idea where anything was when we got here and of course our house didn't have a map in it besides some big telephone books. It's crazy. So we have spent htis week cleaning up Boituva and saying our goodbyes to people ther which was really tough. We both were really close with some of the members there and were expecting at least one more transfer there but instead we had a day and a half to pack up, prepare the house for siters, write everything down about the area, and say our goodbyes. Wow was it a rushed couple of days haha. And then we got here and have spent the few days we've been here just trying to get to know the area and the members. It is like the opposite of Boituva here, its pretty cool. We have a huge chapel! And the second day here we tried to go find it and definately got lost for a good hour or so in the completely wrong direction. Luckily we had some of the YM (young men) from the ward find out where we were and guide us in the right direction haha. Thats one of the things i will miss about Boituva though is that the chapel was just downstairs from us and church started at 9. Here we have a good 20-25 minute walk to get to church and it starts at 830. Not fun walking there in a suit in the blazing sun of Brasil.
But the area is really awesome I know I'm going to like it a lot, the members are all super nice and awesome. I can't even count the number of times we've heard them say if you need anything, anything give us a call. And on Saturday they had a priesthood activity and had a huge churrasco or bbq and had tons of food and ice cream to just eat all we want. Soooo good. (but i still miss some good ol Taco Bell cant beat a cheesy double decker taco mmmm) Anywho, the members are great and they all just want to come out and work with us whenever they can. A big reason for that is because theyve had sisters here for so long so the men couldnt go on splits with the elders but now they can so everybody is just like youre going to baptize a lot here. But everybody and theyre dog said the same thing about Brasil in the US so we'll see what happens haha.
Luckily with a ward with more members there is a more oppurtunity to find skype, so we found it in no time at all. The bishop has opened up whatever time we want to go over to his house and use it on Christmas. I'll be able to call during this week for like 5 minutes to set up a good time and I will call dad probably on like Wednesday or Thursday to mark it in stone. Then ill be see you on the computer in less than 1 week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and I finally got the letters from the primary in the ward, man im mad at the ctm in Sao Paulo for not having the right zip code. It took over a good month to get to me. But THANK YOU primary kids, you're all so awesome!! And thank you Eriksen's for sending it!
Well thats about all for this week its been pretty crazy but a lot of fun at the same time.
Eu te Amo!!!
Elder Gleason
D&C 100:17 and 1 John 4:18
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December 12, 2011
WOOOO!!!! Who found a place to skype at? This Elder! In 13 days I will be seeing the fam on webcam. Soooo pumped. One of the members in our branch is a tech guy and has all the fancy smancy stuff when it comes to electronics so hes going to download skype for us so that we can use it on Christmas day. The only thing i need help with is for you jenae to make me a new skype account because i have no idea what the password is for my old one. So do that before next monday and send me what it is so that i can use it to log in. And make sure to add yourself as a friend to me beforehand so that i dont have to worry about any of that stuff. And i think there is a 3 hour time difference now between sao paulo and new york because when time goes forward there it goes back here and vice verse. So if im right its a 3 hour time difference, and we planned to go to the members house around 5ish our time and probably roughly 530-6 i will get on. Not exactly sure yet so you might have to do some waiting until i sign on. BUTTTT who cares because im going to see my family for the first time in 4 months wooooo.
In other news, i gave my first talk in portuguese yesterday at church for roughly 10 or so minutes. And it was rough haha. Pretty sure I screwed up a lot of the conjugations. And of course who had to be there in attendence this week but good ol' President Martins haha. But afterwards he said that my portuguese was really well for only 3 months on the mission. But he might just be saying that because im new. who knows. But my talk was on what else but missionary work of course haha. Double slam, with the president there and then also giving a talk on what i was sent here to do. But i think it was pretty good, i talked about how we need to desire this thing that we have. For Lehi in 1 Nephi 8:11-12 the first thing he did after eating the fruit was DESIRE to share it with his family. He didnt say hmm wow that was the best fruit ive ever had i think ill have another piece. Nope it was boom i want to share this with my family. And in the last general conference, Elder L. Tom Perry promised us that if we share the gospel with others we will be blessed with love and courage for those that we are sharing with. I prepared really well, but the giving it was the hard part. I really learned a lot. All throughout the Book of Mormon when one of the people finds the gospel and comes to know God, the very first thing he does is desire to share it with others. Enos shows this really well, he does every step. First he desires for himself and finds the gospel and the peace and happiness it brings. Then right after that he desires it for his people to have that same happiness and peace. And he even goes one step further after that and desires it for his enemies to have. Woah. When was the last time we wanted to share something with the people we don't like. Personally I cant really think of a time in my life when i truly desired to do so.
The other awesome thing this week, is one of the Young Men here, Diego, I dont remember if ive mentioned him, but he's 17 years old and just straight up amazing. He comes to church by himself every sunday to set up sacrament early and then his family comes later...sometimes. Hes preparing for his mission now and hopefully im helping to leave a good impression for him. We've become pretty good friends and not through like normal means but through spiritual experiences which is what our mission president said we need to have. And its been awesome he is such an awesome kid. I look up to him a lot. If i was in his same situation but with my personality and all that stuff i dont know if id be as strong in the church as he is. Who knows i might even not be in church. But yesterday we went to his house to visit his family and after talking a little bit and stuff he gave me one of his soccer jerseys for Brasil. SO tight. And then i had him sign it and everything. Now of course it comes no where near fitting me because hes a tiny skinny kid but so awesome. He said in lembranca de mim. I tried to refuse it but he wouldnt let me. So im probably going to give him a few ties this week. not just one and sign them and all that jazz. But hes an awesome young man and is going to be an awesome missionary. I told him hes going to serve in New York Utica mission and come chill with me haha.
Well I apoligize for the crappy typing we're in a differenct area for today, one of the members owns a pizza shop and invited us for free pizza and ice cream so we had like 3o missionaries at thisplace it was so sick. But we're at a lan house and keyboard isnt the best.
Elder Gleason
Elder Gleason
D&C 101:36-38 and Alma 3:26
Oh and another p.s. sending letters with the correct zip code is crucial. They get here super fast. and without it it could take a while. I just got a letter that was sent on November 12 on Wednesday and the 7th of December, so I stress the right address when you send it, and if youve sent letters with the wrong one i will write you back as soon as i get them :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
December 5, 2011
Well December is not here, and it does not feel like it at all. This should not be the weather for december... Its gonna be a weird christmas with a blazing sun coming down and not even close to a fleck of snow on the ground. I will miss the snow, not the shoveling of course but the snow yes haha. Oh and i found out the other day that i get to skype home for Christmas!! I guess that First Presidency came out with a thing letter whatever that missionaries can skype hom if they have the means in their area and the families at home have it. So now i just need to work on finding somewhere around here that i can go to have a webcam and skype home! So pumped!! I get to see you guys in just 3 weeks woooo. And i get to see that gnarly beard of yours pops. I guess ill end up seeing it more than just one time before i come home like i originally wanted to but i think i can accept that. So we need to start getting prepared to do this, and i will start talking to the members and seeing if anyone has something that i can usee!!
So the other night we had an activity in the branch and it was really good, it was definately different but really good. We started 30 minutes late because thats when people showed up but it went well, and there was a great spiritual message about the importance of family and respecting them. Which everyone in the world obviously needs more of. You can never have enough of it, i have really learned that here on the mish. And growing up with the gospel in my entire family was such a blessing. But it was good, i know i said that like 5 times now haha. I talked about how i came about serving a mission, and the very long process that it was but that the influence of family really helped a lot... mom. haha
Ahh so this week i have started to keep like a little journal of scriptures that im coming across and really liking, and writing them down and then writing a little explanation about what is in the verse. I really want to be a scripture guy, one of those ones who can just have a scripture about what ever topic is being talked about. So thats what im working on as of the moment, writing descriptions and starting to memorize where they are and what the meaning of them are so that im ready to go whenever one is needed. that way theyre already in my head and im prepared to receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost if someone needs a specific scripture about a certain principle.
Also, President Martins, my mission president, stopped by our area the other day and it was awesome. He talked a lot about the importance of Branch's and how theyre difficult but that they are the future. He said think about it, the church started this very same way, and now look the world has the church. He especially focused on Brasil and how that this was the church all around the country but that now there are over 200 stakes here. We are laying the foundation and planting the seeds in the hearts of people, preparing the way for a stake in the future. It was awesome to hear from him, and he and Sister Martins shared their conversion stories and how they were baptized in Branch's and now those very same areas have thousands of members. Its trully amazing how fast the church is growing. The church is so true, and anyone can know that for themselves through prayer. We invite people to pary about our message all the time, because anyone who does so with true intent wanting ot know the answer they will receive in their hearts.
Eu nao posso negar meu coracao. Eu sei em meu coracao esta Igraja e verdadeira. A unica Igreja verdadeira na mundo. Eu sei que Joseph Smith restorou A Igreja de Jesus Cristo e nos temos mesma Igreja, Jesus Cristo estabeleceu na terra em antigos tempos.
Eu Te Amo!!
Elder Gleason
D&C 1:30, James 2:17-18
Monday, November 28, 2011
November 28, 2011
Wow another week has already come and passed. And now a full month has been done out in the field, its pretty crazy to think about. Hopefully I worked hard enough and did the best I could because now that month is gone. But on a personal thought basis i think i did a pretty good job. We continue to work everyday and talking to people and preaching the good word and not many people want to hear it. It still is weird to me when i ask if people want more happiness in their lives and they straight up tell me theyre fine where they are. Like what the heck is that? How can you turn down more happiness right to my face, at least lie and tell me you do or something. But its whatever, it all comes down to their choices and theres nothing i can really do about it. Besides continuing to talk to as many people as i can.
My portuguese has really been improving a lot over these last 2 weeks when i came to the realization i wont be fluent in the first day haha. Im feeling more and more comfotable each day iwht listening and responding its pretty darn exciting to see. The other day i even did my first contact by myself explaining the Restoration and givinng out a pamphlet to a lady. My companion said it took him a couple months before he did it. But i figure the only way to get any better is to just butcher it and go for it right? haha.. ALso, tuesday and wednesday i was on a division with a Brazilian elder for the first time and it was definately different. Like me and E Williams speak English to each other still because its both our native toungues but to not have it at all for 2 days... weird. And kind of fun.
Lets see what else. Oh its been raining a lot more lately and it definately rains a lot harder here. Its crazy how itll start to drizzle a little and then next thing you know. BOOM downpouring. I havent gotten stuck in it bad yet though, i have done some running to avoid it, but it was at least avoided haha.
The other thing that has been pretty big in this last week is how much ive been humbled, and how much i wish i had done before hand now being in the situation that i am. I wish I had helped the missionaries a lot more than i had, i now see how hard it is to do the finding and everything all on your own, it would be so much easier if we had references and people to be there when we teach and all that jazz. I watched a video yeterday that a family who was being taught by the missionaries said that if the missionaries had come to the door they would have turned them down. But instead one of their friends who was a member invited them over to meet with the missionaries and they were recieving the lessons now. All it takes is that first step, which is definately the hardest. That is what i have also seen a lot lately, is that that very first step is the hardest and the most nervewracking. Its true for my own life too, that very first Brazilian i talked to in the streets was the hardest. I was scared to talk to him, because I didnt want to screw something up, but once we just take the first step its easier to do. Why wouldn't i want to share with him the happiness that i have? Its like sharing Taco Bell with someone whos never had it before. The joy i had to see James come to the realization of its amazingness, made me happy too and brought lots of good Taco Bell runs after that point hahaha. Okay so the gospel is like 10000000 times more important than Taco Bell. Which also means its that much more satisfying to share with the ones we love.
Well I love you all, and i will say it yet again. This gospel is true, and we have the true restored church on the earch again today. I know without a shadow of a doubt, and i will never deny it.
Eu te Amo!!
Elder Gleason
p.s. Mosiah 4:20 and D&C 75:16
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
November 21, 2011
Alright so i was expecting to write a lot shorter email home for this part here and send a bunch of photos and everything instead but....the library computer doesnt recognize my camera or something stupid like that, so i dont know when ill get pictures sent hom. SORRY! As soon as i can and find a way there will be pictures sent home.
In other news i am now up to 7 kilos lost which is apperently like 15 lbs so yeah wow. And i havent even be doing morning exercise haha. But its noth that im not eating trust me i am. I have eaten meats that i never would have even looked at before the mission and not gonna lie theyre actually pretty good. Although i tried a hot dog for the second time in my life the other day...still just as gross as the first time i did when i was like 7. So that i will continue to stay away from, but for everyone that thought i would starve on my mission i can assure you i am not. Today we went legit food shopping for the first time and it was awesome, there is so much cheap stuff here, especially the fruit which i love. So im just eating healthy and walking up hill after hill and losing some weight which i dont mind.
Lets see what else, oh yeah, the address to the mission office might be causing some problems for letters, ive gotten a bunch but most have the zip code crossed out so here it is again just a little different.
Brazil Sao Paulo North Mission
Rua Dr. Batista Pereira, 165
Jardim Caxingui 05517-080
Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil
So just that little difference in the 17 and 71 might be causing a little trouble not sure. But keep sending me letters, theyre a fantastic pick me up when we actually get the chance to get them haha.
Hmm what else, oh i came to realize that getting baptism dates here isnt as huge as i thought it was. I mean obviously theyre still HUGE but Elder Williams said they do fall through especially when people dont go to church which is common around here. We just keep working working working through and its been great. The days go by a ton faster when were actually doing stuff, i feel like it ws just yesterday i was typing away at the crappy Ian house computer. I love talking to people in portuguese, its extremely difficult at times and i zone out often but i can alraedy see i have improved a lot and am able to incorporate myself into the lessons a lot more than when i got here. And i also came to realize that lessons in the field are a heck of a lot different then in the mtc, because my conjugations arent that awesome and in the mtc teachers just rolled with it because they knew what we were trying to say but not really the same story out here haha.
I love Brasil, I love being a missionary and I love this gospel. There are times when it is extremely difficult to keep going on, but then we meet an awesome person who accepts what we say and im able to bear my testimony and strengthen it. Its amazing how teaching someone who doesnt know anything about the gospel just ends up teaching yourself even more. Like it says in D&C 50:22.. I lveo it, no other feeling in the world that can compare. This is hard work, harder than anything Ive ever done, but I wouldnt trade it for anything else right now. Its preparing me for the rest of my life.
Eu te Amo!
Elder Gleason
Monday, November 14, 2011
November 14, 2011
Alright so apparently there are like a million Brasilian holidays bcause today the library was closed so now were at some LAn house place where the keyboar is absolutely terrible so Im predicting a ton of typing errors already just so you all know. But a lot has actually happened in just the few days since I last emailed. Elder Williams and i have been working hard to try and strengthen this Branch and we work everyday. I cant even count how many times ive heard the sentence Olha eu tenho meu religiao... But weve also found a lot of really great people and been able to mark return dates. So were slowly progressing and finding the people who have been prepared for us. Its such an awesome feeling when one of us is just like lets try this place out or talk to these people out of the blue and then they accept what we have to tell them and say that it makes sense. So things are definately getting better and our hard work everyday is going to and has already payed off. Epecially FIRST BAPTISM DATE!!! We met this couple with a baby on the street and set a return date for last Saturday, and when we went and taught them they were listening and totally understanding everything. The Spirit was so strong there i swear i thought there was gonna be a whole in my chest from the burning feeling i had as we were teaching them. It was such an awesome experience! And they accepted to be baptized on Dec 10 if they recieve an answer through prayer that the Book of Mormon is true. And of course i know they will. Soooo pumped! I was like on a high for the rest of the night. My first time with that kind of experience and i cant wait to have more.
The other thing that is coming from all this, is the walking. Our area is huge and has a ton of neighborhoods to walk to, and of course the members and investigators and less actives we have are all spread out. We have to at least walk 8-10 miles a days if not more. The other day we went proselyting with one of the Young Men, Diego, who is an awesome kid, and then we walked to the opposite side of th city for our next appointment. Im pretty sure it took like na hour to get there haha. But its totally worth it, and ive already lost like 4 kilos however much that is in lbs in just the 2 weeks in the field.
Lastly i just want to see how important the scriptures are again. I know ive said it before but i could say it every week of my life and still not stress the importance enough. These 2 weeks have been tough on me with the language and im trying so hard to learn and not realizing that its only been 2 weeks. Yet i still want to be fluent right now so that i can do all i can to help the poeple here and especially help my companion. And the scriptures have helped me a ton in my daily reading and studying. Helping me realize that there are going to be tough times and i need to work through them with faith and i will do just that.
Well i love you all and your all awesome people, specially if your reading my blog haha.
Eu te Amo!
Elder Gleason
2 Nephi 27:23 and D&C 58:2-4
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
First email from the MISSION FIELD! November 9, 2011
Wow so 2 weeks is an awful long time to go without email huh. I had so many emails to read today, luckily we have an hour now instead of just 3o minutes. But i also have to write my mission president something so really i have about 50 minutes which is still a ton better. So these last 2 weeks have been absolutely nuts. First off today was my P-day because I already had a mission conference on Monday but everytime else P-days will be Mondays. So make sure to get emails to me before then so that I can respond. Also now that I'm in the field ill be able to send pictures over the computer. So expect some soon. Hopefully next monday but im not exactly sure yet. We are at the local library and I don't know if it has a hook up for it I will see.
Next. Letters. They will now take even longer than before. Generally i will only get them about once every 6 weeks or so. Maybe a little more often during some transfers. I'm not really sure how its going to work out yet. So yeah its going to take forever to get them and also respond to them. So everybody needs to learn patinece haha. Trust me its killing me to not be able to check everyday if i have any new mail or not. So pretty much the only times ill write back is when i get something I'm not sure yet.
Now the good stuff. So my first area!!! I'm in Boituva, it is the second furthest are from the mission office. So I'm wayyyy out of the city. It takes about 3 hours by a couple buses to get out here. And my first week here I went back to the city 3 times. It flat out stunk not gonna beat around the bush. And we had to travel to another city one other day too. So my first week has been hecka crazy. Also I am in a branch of about 30 active members. Not what I was expecting that is for sure. We are the second smallest branch in the whole mission. We are also the Young Mens leaders and teach sunday school to the young men and young women. Again not what I was expecting. It has been really difficult to be honest. I have never seen something like this in my life before. And it has been tough on me. But thats what I'm here to do is help the church grow and bring people to Christ. I'll for sure be here for 3 months and then who knows where I will go.
My companion. Elder Williams, he is from Alaska and has been here for a year and 6 months. So he's fluent in the language but obviously an American. So pretty much I got the opposite of what I was expecting in all aspects. Country side, tiny branch, and an american trainer. But hes an awesome guy and while its hard to focus on practicing portuguese together I know I'll learn a lot. He was only in this area for 6 weeks before I got here so he doesnt know it too too well but we're learning together. Our area is huge and has a ton of neighborhoods all over the place some of which he hasnt even been to yet. And its all by foot. So I don't think ill be gaining any weight anytime soon. We get lunch everyday from the members that we have so its a lot of repeats but theyre awesome people. And im already SICK of beans and rice. Idk how they eat it every single days of their lives. Its really not that good haha. I will probably never have it again after my mission. I miss american food that is for sure. When i get back ill probably gain like 50 pounds from all the stuff that i miss.
Ahh what else what else. Oh so we dont really have any investigators right now which is another really hard thing for me. But we are working every day out in the streets looking up old investigators from the past. Anything we can do to try and find people who are interested. I have never walked so much in my life. This is a tough place to find people who actually want to hear what we have to say. I cant even begin to count the different churches that are in our area its crazy. But i love it and im definately growing. My patience for sure haha. Everyday it is tested in some form of way.
Well thats all i can really think of to put in here, its so hard to get 2 and a half weeks worth of stuff into just one email so hopefully i didnt miss too much. But thats what stories after the mish are for right?
I love this gospel and i love working everyday to find people!
Eu te amo!
Elder Gleason
P.S. 2 Nephi 5:27 and 2 Nephi 9:41 are my scriptures for today. Talk to you again on Monday! Real quick turn around!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sorry this one took so long to put up.....October 25, 2011
WOOO! This time next week I will be in the Mission Presidents Home!!!! My MTC time is finally almost complete. The time has gone by super quick but at the same time I feel like I've been here forever.
This week my companion from Provo, Elder Vincent, got his visa! So he'll be here tomorrow afternoon I'm so pumped! Crazy to think that its already been a month since i left the good ol US of A. I cant wait to see how much Portuguese hes learned. Like I mentioned last week Sister Hall from my district in Provo got here last Wednesday and she was paired up with me and my companion because she didnt have a sister companion here. So its been fun to be able to teach with her especially because she knows the language so well and just does a whole lot better at relating to the people then we can. Probably because shes a girl haha.
Now for the biggest news of the week and pretty much the only exciting event of the week. Because yet again it was just a normal week nothing out of the ordinary. Learning to teach more effectively, learning Portuguese, and great study time. Oh yeah, duh that was a big thing too. I finished The Book of Mormon. I think it was Friday of last week. So it took me around 7 weeks maybe a little less to finish and I did it all in the MTC which was one of my goals. And I have already started it again. I learned so much this last time, its weird to see how differently I learned things from verses that Ive read so many times. I know that no matter how many times I read it (hopefully many many more) I will alwasy learn more and more new things.
Ok and now what I originally was going to talk about. Yesterday I went proselyting!!!! For anyone who isnt familiar with that word, we got to go into the outside world and talk with people on the streets and hand out copies of The Book of Mormon. Since there were 3 of us in the companionship we had 6 copies. It was so awesome, I was actually doing legit missionary work! By the end of our roughly 3 hours we had, we walked up and down like 15 steep hills, handed out all of our copies, and been denied many times. Oh and of course i got sunburned, what i get for being so white. It was a really neat experience. It was weird to just be straight up denied and kind of depressing too. But the people we have them to seemed really interested and a couple we saw even starting to read! So awesome! To think i actually talked to a Brazilian in Portuguese and gave out the most correct and true book on the Earth to possibly and hopefully change their lives. Unreal. Who would have thought after just 2 months I could speak and understand native Brazilians on the street. Going just a little better than French did haha. Oh and this coming Monday we get to go again but this time we take the city bus to the heart of Sao Paulo. So exciting, its all starting now, and before I know it it will be unfortunately be over.
I know The Book of Mormon is true, and that it is the word of God. I know that it contains the fulness of the gospel and can answer the questions of the heart. I know because I have experienced it and read it from cover to cover and will continue to do so until I die. It truly has the power to change lives.
Eu te Amo!!
Elder Gleason
P.S. It's kinda weird to bear my testimony in English after Portuguese all the time haha
Thursday, October 20, 2011
October 18, 2011 Email
This week has been somewhat uneventful, as much as I love the MTC/CTM Im ready to get out of here. I'm still learning a ton from my teachers, and study times but it will be so much different when i am actually out in the field. To find investigators, teach them and be fully enveloped in the language. I can't wait to be walking around the city all day. The CTM has prepared me so much, but nothing will be like actually being out there. You can only teach your teacher so many times before it starts to get old. But like i said I've loved my time here and in Provo.
This was my first week with another new companion and a new district and new teachers. So 4 different companions (counting the 2 for the trio), 3 districts, and 6 teachers all in my 7 weeks at the MTC/CTM. My newest companion is Elder Robdison hes a really good guy and works hard at the language. Hes had a tough time understanding but hes been getting better each day which is awesome to watch. Luckily my understanding has shot out of the roof compared to 3 weeks ago when i got here. I can definately see how the average is 6 months and I'll understand pretty much everything. It's so weird to think I'll be completely fluent by the time Im home. Ill be able to say Im bilingual!. So Sick. Oh and this week were getting 6 more missionaries from Provo for our district. 104 got their visas this week and 39 are coming here to the CTM. The rest finally get to get to their actual missions from their reassignments. Pretty exciting stuff. 3 of those ones coming are going to my mission and 1 who is a Sister was in my district in Provo.
Today the Brazilian Elders that came in on the day i got here all left and it stinks. Those Elders were the best and helped me out a lot. And they made my nickname mococco branco (white monkey) because i east so many bananas haha. I know i was sent here at the time i was for a reason. I needed my month in Provo to set up good study habits and I needed to be here to start learning the culture and to love the people. Even if i cant speak the language right away at least I can show my love for them and how happy I am to be here in BRasil.
I can already see my life, thoughts, and actions changing day by day. Almost everday I'll hear or read something that will strike a memory and all I think is what was I doing. There is so much more i could have done to share the gospel especially in high school and work. Instead I chose to just skate along. I think i was an okay at best example for the church but again I could have been so much better and done so much more. My mission has been a life changer and I'm only 2 months in. I'm probably going to be one of those weirdos when i first get back that doesn't want to do anything. But hopefully Ill get back into the swing of things and not stay too weird. Just different. And maybe people will be able to see a difference and want to know why. Thats all 2 years away though so I wont worry about that too much right now.
What i do know right now is that I am the happiest ive ever been and im learning and teaching the thing that brings the most joy into my life besides my family, well even that my family is even more awesome because of the gospel. So its like a 1a and 1b. I love this Church, and i love the happiness that the gospel brings into my life.
Eu te Amo!
Elder Gleason
P.S. I've been watching the videos they are super sweet if anybody hasnt watched them, go and check it out!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
October 11, 2011 Email
I didn't think it was possible, but weeks are going by even faster here in Brasil. I've already been here for 2 weeks, crazy. Whats even crazier to think about though is that I only have 3 weeks left in the CTM. And then its out to the real world again and being completely immersed in portuguese.
I've been noticing a significant change in the language for myself. I look forward each day to when I get to come back to the room and speak with m brazilian roommates. Over this past week we've grown to become good friends, it helps that I am understanding more, and able to find a way to say what I want to with the little language I know. It stinks they leave next Tuesday (Terca-Feira) and in all honestly I probably will never see them again. Even when I come back to Brazil later on in life the chances to see them all is extremely slim. So thats how it goes and will go I guess, make friends for a few weeks and then yeah thats pretty much it.
But on a happier note, our lessons and Training Resource Center (TRC) have been going really well. We teach sometimes 3 times a day and at least once everyday. The teachers definately arent afraid to hold back judgement either which is extremely helpful. Weve heard a ton of things that are helping us to teach more effectively and prepare us for actual invsetigators instead of being the perfect ones who accept everything we say. And of course right as the 3 of us (my companions and I) are starting to understand how to work together while we teach, I'm changing districts and getting a new companion. The last 2 weeks I've been with Elders who are a week behind me but starting Wednesday (Quarta-Feira) we will have 4 Elders that are my week and will have our own district. Which will be good because now I will get everything I am supposed to learn instead of missing a week. So this will be a good thing.
The other thing I feel like talking about is finding the good in everything. This has really been and will be put to the test with me on my mission. It is not easy to work with someone 24/7 you will always find things you might not like about the person. We can find the good or the bad in anyone or anything it all depends on our outlook on it. I think its one thing I'm going to learn a lot from on my mission is being able to find a way to work with anyone. It takes a little while and is sometimes really frustrating but if we can show love and patience I know we will find something good in everyone. When that happens everything goes a whole lot smoother, I can testify to that.
Anywho so letters yeah they take forever. For our district of 7 Elders we have received a whopping 1 letter in the 2 weeks we've been here. That is one thing i don't know if ill ever get used to about Brasil. Its tough not being able to hear from family and friends quickly. But then I remember its only 2 years of my life and I think ill stick with it. The good outways the bad tremendously haha. However it takes so long they advised us to start giving out the mission president office address which is were the letters SHOULD be sent for the remainder of my 2 years in Brasil. This is the most sure way to know I will get them all. So this is my last new address for the rest of the 2 years. So get writing I want to hear from everybody.
Elder James Richard Gleason
Rua Dr. Rui Batista Pereia, 165
Caxingui 05571-080
Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil
Eu te amo!
Elder Gleason
Saturday, October 8, 2011
First Email From Brazil! October 4, 2011
I don't even know where to begin, there is so much stuff to talk about and I know I wont even come close to saying it all. First off my new address for the rest of this month until i go to the field is
Elder James Richard Gleason
Mailbox #29 District 36-A
Sao Paulo Brazil CTM
Rua Padre Antonio D'angelo, 121
Casa Verde CEP 02516-040
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Letters are going to take a whole lot longer to get here now but it'll all work out. They said on average it takes about a week each way...if theres no prblems with the post office. To those I told to wait to write me back until I sent my new address can write me back before I write you :)
Anywho, so Brasil is absolutely amazing! In Sao Paulo the weather is perfection because it is spring right now. We have a huge window that we can open in our room and the skyline..phew. Makes NYC look like nothing. Basically the whole 180 degrees i can see is full of skyscrapers, its crazy. I find myself just staring out the window for long periods of time trying to take it all in. Thinking this is where I get to live for the next 2 years. It stinks the time is going to fly by. Oh yeah and on P-Days we have a set area around the CTM that we can walk around the city so we're not enclosed like in Provo haha.
However, our P-Days dont have as much free time because getting to the temple and back takes awhile. So thats what my morning was, but so worth it! A templo de Sao Paulo e muito bonita!! its just right in the middle of the city kind of like Manhattan..but not at the same time. The temple grounds are so awesome, theres a huge fountain in the front that is so sick.
The other HUGE difference is having Brazilian Elders all over. As opposed to just a few. We have (oh yeah and I'm in a trio until tomorrow when we get another Elder from Provo) 2 Brazilion roommates! They spoke zero English when they came in on Thursday so it was really hard to try to get to know them at all and have an actual conversation. But they slowly have picked up some English because they all want to learn it, and I'm definately learning how to hold a regular conversation in Portuguese. As opposed to just gospel and church related like it has been so far. So yeah it is awesome to have them in our room and it makes me learn and understand a lot more. Also everyone here is super nice and everyone keeps telling us thats how all of Brasil is. I know I'm going to love the people here because I already do. All I need to work on now is how to get the things I want to say across in a new language. NBD
Lastly a quick touch on conference this weekend. How great it was, am i right?! I just wanted to sit and listen to more and more i don't know what i was thinking not paying attention to it ever before. They are truly called of God and know what we need to hear and how we need to hear it. The next 3 times I listen to it it will be in portuguese, what an experience that will be! A couple quotes I really liked from conference real quick since I cant type them all out.
"Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text." -Ian S. Ardern
"Take as your weapon the word of God."-Elder Jeffrey R Holland
I love the gospel. I love the work that I am doing. And I absolutely love being a missionary!!
With much love from Brasil
Elder Gleason
Monday, September 26, 2011
Yeah that's right the east coast has come through for me finally. On Friday I received my VISA!!! Along with about 10 or so other Elders and Sisters and what do you know but all but 2 were from the Northeast. Usually I wouldn't leave from Provo for another 2 weeks or so but the travel office lady said they needed more beds because they had too many missionaries so I leave Tomorrow Morning!!! By about 8 pm central time (Dallas Airport) I will be taking off for Sao Paulo! There are so many jealous missionaries here haha, I feel kind of bad because about 25 Elders in my Branch all just got reassigned places and I haven't even finished my 9 weeks here and i get to leave. But I know that the Lord has a reason and purpose for everything and obviously needs me to be in Brazil right now.
So on Thursday is when most of the others leaving all got their visas and like i said most are from the east coast so i was pretty ticked and spent most of the day mad at the world, but i regained control and went back to being patient and knowing that everything would work out the way it was supposed to. And low and behold the very next day in the mail, my visa! I was numb with excitement the entire day it was great! The toughest thing was then i had to instantly and quickly go prepare to teach our investigator right after. Which turned out to be what i think was one of our best lessons yet! The Spirit was so strong and I felt really comfortable speaking and understanding the language. It's amazing what can happen when you put the Lord first in your life. Thinking back to learn French in high school where i didn't care and just tryed to be able to skate by to looking now at where I'm working hard to understand and speak a new language its amazing the difference. I know that that difference is my Heavenly Father and my outlook and giving Him these 2 years of my life.
This week has been so crazy and the visa has just made it better, on Tuesday we yet AGAIN had another apostle give the devotional! Elder Russell M. Nelson was here and talked about the Book of Mormon. It is such an amazing Book i love having the oppurtunity to be able to read from it everyday. I learn something new everytime that i do. Elder Nelson said this:
"The Book of Mormon is a gift to the world."
And how true it is. And how lucky I am to be able to bring that gift to the people in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This book is for everyone no matter who reads it they can find joy and peace in what they read.
Also, yesterday we had Mission Conference, and Mission Fireside. Also, because I leave tomorrow I was able to attend the Departing Devotional. It was like i got drop kicked with the Spirit. So many awesome talks and lessons I was able to learn from them. It truly is a blessing to be here.
Some quotes I loved from yesterday"
President Brown said: "Don't accept anything less than being your best."
President Gordon B. Hinkley said : "If we complain about life, it is because we are only thinking of ourselves."
I'm going to miss my companion and roomates, and district and branch, just everybody when i leave. I've had the chance to become really close to these Elders and Sisters, my fellow representatives of Christ. It's going to be tough but I'll see them again when they get their visas since we're mostly all in the same mission. Just as my companion Elder Vincent and I were really learning how to teach together, poof here I go. But I know that I'll meet people and companions in Brazil that will be just as awesome. And I'm so excited for that.
So Tchau USA
Eu te amo!
Elder Gleason
P.S. DON'T SEND anymore DearElders to the Provo MTC. I will never see them!!! So now you need to start sending them to Brazil, I'll get my address to my parents and Jenae ASAp so that you can all write me. And any packages of food my companion has already said he is going to keep and eat them haha
Saturday, September 24, 2011
J.R. found out and was able to call each of our parents on Friday (yesterday) to tell them that....HIS VISA WENT THROUGH! He will be leaving Tuesday, September 27th, to head down to the Brazil MTC for the remainder of his time in the MTC. Then he will get to go serve the wonderful people of Sao Paulo North! He is very excited! So if you're planning to send him a it by Monday and then you'll have to start sending it to the Brazil MTC or else he won't get it. I'll update his address as soon as I get it for when he is in Brazil!
September 19, 2011
So I figured I'd try something new this week. Instead of trying to think on the fly what to say and type in 30 minutes, I wrote it all out so all I have to do is type and I'll be able to say a lot more and not forget anything...hopefully. So like I said last week I'm only supposed to write letters on Monday (P-Day) i didn't do that great at it this week and wrote a few letters but it was stressed again to us yesterday to be obediant to those rules. So any letters i send will only be written on Mondays so if i get a letter on Tuesday then the person will have to wait til Monday for me to write it and send it back. However that doesn't mean don't write me throughout the week haha.
To start, a funny story. On wednesday my companion decided to lock us all out while we were in the shower without keys. We told him to leave it open...but yeah no haha. I had to call the front desk and explain how we couldn't come get a spare key because all we had were our towels. She literally laughed into the phone and told us to just send some other Elders to come and grab the apre for us. Bringing the key back to that very same girl on the phone later, awkwarddd haha.
Anywho this week has had it's ups and downs. And by that I pretty much just mean portuguese. Everytime I feel I'm getting somewhere and want to relax on studying or take a break. BAM humbled back to feeling like I'm at Day one. Especially this week when we finally got our 2nd teacher who is Brazilian and barely knows english! She talks so fast and its tough to keep up with what shes saying! But then at the same time in the multiple lessons my companion and I taught this week I felt the Spirit so strongly and understood what was being said and was able to teach the lesson pretty well. I feel a lot more focused and comfortable and I think I learn more when I'm teaching our investigators as opposed to sitting in class. But I keep reminding myself it's only been about 3 weks and it will come in due time.
And now for what is one of the greatest parts of the Mission Training Center for me. The devotionals and firesides. On Tuesday I sat 10 rows away from an Apostle!!! Elder M. Russell Ballard was right there in front of my! It was such an amazing devotional, I learned so much and was able to feel the Holy Ghost strongly throughout the whole talk. There is nothing better than the numbing and peaceful feeling I get from the Holy Ghost confirming things about the gospel of Jesus Christ and confirming the words being said by those teaching me. One quote that I loved from Elder Ballards's devotional was this:
"The closer you draw to Him (our Savior Jesus Christ) the closer He will draw to you."
How can we not want that for our lives, each day I strive to learn something new or read something and think about it in a different way to strengthen my testimony. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and that His Atonement is a very real thing for everyone and atone for all of our sins. Which ties in last nights fireside by MTC District President Wilkins. He talked about all the different pains and trials that people have faced and endured and how Christ went through ALL of it. Any pain we have suffered Christ has also suffered through and 10 times more. How much love He has for us is ridiculous to even try to comprehend. I know that Eu sou missionario de A lgerja de Jesus Cristo Dos Santos Dos Ultimos Dias, the one and only true church on the Earth today. I know this is the gospel of Jesus Christ and it is confirmed to me more and more each day. I know that everyone can get that same confirmation for themselves through faith and prayer.
2 Nephi 31:21
Eu te amu tudo!
Elder Gleason
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
J.R. would love to hear from everyone and anyone! He would love to get letters by snail mail but there is also a free and easier way to write to him! If you go to you can choose "Provo MTC" mission and then click write a letter. He gets it either the same day or the next day! You just type in your address and then the address that I have on the left side of the blog for him. When he goes to Brazil you can still use dearelder it just costs .98..But it is way more reliable then sending him an actual letter because it can take weeks and they get lost in the mail a lot. SO! Write to J.R. I know he will appreciate it, because, as it says in his email..getting mail is one of the highlights of his day! It might take him a while to get back to you, but he will eventually get back to you!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Second Week
Already on my second email home its pretty surreal, the time is flying by but also seems really slow at the same time, its hard to explain but anyone whos been through the MTC would say the same thing! So today, Monday is my Preperation day and it is supposed to be the only day i email or wite home so from now on it'll take a while for me to write everybody back. But that doesnt mean people shouldn't write me a ton haha. Getting mail and DearElders letters are easily a highlight to the day and hearing how people are doing! Today is definately the most relaxing of the week, we have a ton of personal or free time and we are also able to go to the temple every Monday morning. It is such a blessing to only be a 5 minute walk away instead of being 3 hours in 3 different directions like at home. The temple is just so peaceful, definately one of the best places on Earth to be. Also, on Sunday's we get to go for a temple walk and to just relax on the temple grounds for about an hour. It's kinda neat to see other people there too as an elder instead of just J.R. haha.
I don't know how i failed to mention it last time, but when i see the little timer slowly clicking down i feel rushed and forgot to say stuff, but my companion is an identical twin! and his twin came in the same day and is also going to Brazil just a different area! Luckily i can tell the differnce between the 2 by theyre hair or it would be extremely confusing day to day. My roomates and my companion are so awesome we all get along great together and are all struggling and exceeding in the language at the same time. Last night as i was thinking about it, i was amazed at how much i know in portuguese, i struggle so often that i just figured i knew nothing, but in fact i know quite a bit! It is amazing how the Lord can help us as we learn a new language in such a short time. I also forgot to mention that we had to teach and "investigator" (another teacher) the 2nd day we were here, and since then we've taught 2 more times. The first 2 times didn't go so well but it was kind of expected, but as we learned to love him as an investigator instead of just a teacher judging us i felt the Spirit so strongly and i was able to put my notes down and bear my testimony about the topic with only a couple questions! It was one of the coolest experiences! I can't wait to be able to teach in Brazil and feel the Holy Ghost all the time. It is the greatest feeling to have the Holy Ghost with you.
Its so tough to try and explain a whole weeks worth of experiences and stores in just a short email, sometimes i just want to whip out my phone and text everybody...but i reach in my pocket and nothing haha. So that is what i definately miss a lot is being able to have instant communication with friends and family but instead i have to wait for letters and then send them which takes so long, and will be even longer in Brazil! However, i can honestly say i have yet to miss facebook it took up so much time of my life that wasnt needed, and now i can spend that time reading the Book of Mormon or Preach My Gospel which are so amazing, i look forward each day to having that time to read through them. They are so powerful, i know that anyone who reads the Book of Mormon with real intent and prays for a confirmation that it is true doctrine of Christ. I love this gospel so much and i love it more and more each day. I know it brings happiness to my life and i wouldn't be the same without it. My sister wanted me to bear my testimony in portuguese so most of you won't know what it means but hear goes:
Eu sei que o Livro de Mormon e verdadeire. Eu sei que Deus viver. Eu sei que nos sabemos Deus filhos. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo e nos Salvador. Eu sei que o evangelho e verdadeire. Eu sei que nos falamos com nosso Pai Celestial por meio de oracao e Teu resposta. Eu sei que Thomas S Monson e o profeta e Joseph Smith restaudo o evangelho em na Terra.
There are a ton of missing accent marks because i don't know how to do them on the computer and theres probably some grammer errors in there, but hey i've only been here a week and a half :)
Eu te amo tudo! (I love you all!)
Elder Gleason
Write me!! :D
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
First email :)
Wow this is crazy, this is my way of communication for the next 2 years its pretty weird to think about. Well first of all, my address is
Elder James Richard Gleason
MTC Mailbox #342
BRA-SPN 1031
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793
Also, a faster way to write me is to just go to DearElder.coom and its pretty self explanatory from what i hear and then the church prints it out and i'll get it in the mail. And that will also work while i'm out in the mission field you just have to pay accordingly but it'd probably be easier than hand writing a letter and trying to do all the stamps by yourself. It would also make it a lot easier for me to write back instead of having to print out the emails that people send me so i can write back individually. And yet another also, i need peoples addresses i came with basically no ones so i couldnt even write anybody today for my P-Day. That includes you Jenae..
So my companion is Elder Vincent, and he's from Sandy, Utah and he's pretty awesome and knows the gospel really well, and then in our room we also have elder horracks who ran track at BYU and knew scott maughn and elder tatafu who litterally laughs at everything and he's tongan so he's learning his 3rd language. All 4 of us are going to Sao Paulo North (if our visa's ever go through) and we came in with about 10 other missionaries also all going to Sao Paulo North which is cool knowing that we might be companions with these guys somewhere down the road. Pictures will be coming soon of my district and then my companion and roomates but the SD card slot for the pictures was down so i couldn't get them printed to send home. It's so cool to be able to see all my friends from BYU here, most are almost ready to go but some just got here so i'll be able to see them for awhile which is way sweet.
Alright so now for the other stuff, the first day was crazy, within the first few hours of walking through the doors we were already in a class starting to learn portuguese. And it hasn't stoppped since, its been about 6 hours of portuguese classes a day and our teacher almost never speaks english its nuts. But it definately helps a ton in learning the language when your forced into it and if you want to know what's going on you need to pick it up quick. i've already learned to pray, bear my testimony (sort of) and have a start up conversation all in portuguese. Basically the same amount of lanuage i learned in 4 years of french class in high school all in what 5 days?! How awesome is that, the MTC is definately an amazing place where miracles happen. Portuguese sounds so sick when your saying it/hearing the guys who have been here. Just a few weeks difference between us and some of the other missionariesgoing to brazil is such a hugh difference in the understanding of the language. It's crazy how much they already know and they haven't been here that much longer, and i know we'll be the same way in just a couple weeks from now. Oh yeah and for my visa, most of the guys here don't even have their electronic part come to them yet so its definately a blessing to be from NY (how often do I say that haha). But it could still be awhile before i get mine, a ton of guys just got reassigned to the states and they had already had everything sent it for awhile. So pray for me to be able to get it.
The other awesome thing about the MTC is all the firesides and stuff like that. But yesterday we had a mission conference and the President of the MTC spoke and he said something that I absolutely loved. "If you are not successful it is because you didn't apply yourself to be what you can become." The Holy Ghost is so strong here, when people say its like a small step down from the temple they are so right. Its crazy how often and strongly i feel it. And the speakers, teachers and leaders are all so awesome. You can tell they have been called of God and have served their missions righteously. I can't wait to get to brazil and have my own stories to tell and have people thati have helped to convert to the church!! The other thing that really touched me was something i read in Preach My Gospel this morning, it was a quote from President Heber J Grant it said "We have that which is of more value than all the wealth and the scientific information which the world possesses. We have the plan of life and salvation." I am learning so much while I've been here having a set schedule and time set aside to study the gospel is such a blessing in my life, i wouldn't trade this experience tfor anything and it's only been 5 days, imagine what i'll feel/be life after 2 years?! its crazy to think about!
Lastly since i'm running out of time, while i do miss home and being able to talk with everyone, at the same time i don't i have yet to feel homesick because i know this is exactly where i'm supposed to be right now. And i know and love this gospel. The church is so true, i know without a doubt i have felt the Holy Ghost confirm it over and over again in my heart.
Eu te amu!! (I love you)
Elder J.R. Gleason
Write me :D
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Entering the MTC...





I brought Elder Gleason to the MTC this morning along with a couple friends of his that were kind enough to let him stay at their apartment and hang out with him last night to be his "companion". We brought him through the gates and up to the doors and about a minute later he was walking through the doors and into the MTC! Sad day :( But he'll be an amazing missionary!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
J.R.'s Farewell Talk
For those of you who weren't able to make it to J.R.'s farewell on August 21, 2011, here is the talk that he gave in church.
Good morning brothers and sisters, before I start I would just like to say that his isn't actually my last Sunday, for anyone who is wondering next week will be my last Sunday. For some reason my farewell was planned around my sister's leaving schedule instead of mine. But I guess I can let it slide just his once. For anyone that hasn't heard i have been called to serve in the Brazil Sao Paulo North Mission speaking Portuguese. And I have recently found out that I will be starting off in the Provo, UT MTC or Missionary Training Center, and then as soon as my visa goes through will finish off any time left in the Brazil MTC. So there's all the background information, nor for my talk.
Today I was asked to speak on Joseph Smith History 1:1-25 which contains Joseph Smith's account of the First Vision. As I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about and how to throw in some personal stories and all that good stuff, I was able to reflect on the many opportunities that I have had to go to Palmyra and visit the many sights including the Sacred Grove where Joseph Smith had the First Vision. We are lucky to be able to live so close to such a remarkable site and for the longest time I took that for granted. Growing up it was almost monotonous, each summer my family would go see Pageant, walk through the Sacred Grove and the other sites. But this last time that I was able to go through hit me the hardest as I had now had my mission call for a few months and had committed to serve the Lord for two years teaching the gospel to those who have been prepared to hear it. And this opportunity that I have wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Joseph Smith following James' council in James 1:5 saying,
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
In verse 6 I love the follow up, which I never really noticed until I was preparing for my talk, says,
"But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."
Joseph Smith took this council as he was searching for which church to join in the midst of an "unusual excitement on the subject of religion" as he puts it in JSH 1:5. Then in versus 12 and 13 he reflects on how he felt after reading James' council.
12. "Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man that this did at this time in mine. It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of y heart. I reflected on it again and again, knowing that if any person needed wisdom from God, I did; for how to act I did not know, and unless I could get more wisdom than I had, I would never know;"
13. "At length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in darkness and confusion, or else I must do as James directs, that is, ask of God. I at length came to the determination to "ask of God," concluding that if he gave wisdom to them that lacked wisdom, and would give liberally, and not upbraid, I might venture."
The one thing that I like to think about whenever I read through the First Vision or hear a lesson on it is, would I have enough courage or faith in the same situation to follow through on the prompting to "ask of God." Looking back to when I was 14 all that was on my mind was I was now old enough to go to stake activities and when would I be able to go play basketball again, thinking that I would be the next NBA star, but I decided to let Jimmer have that one. And yet Joseph Smith had that faith at that young age to act on a feeling and a prompting from a scripture to ask which church he should join, it blows my mind at how strong he was. Instead of just blowing it off and going and playing with his brothers and sisters he took the initiative and went and asked of God as to which church he should join. So on a spring day in the year of 1820, Joseph went into the woods and prayed vocally for the first time and in verse 15 and 16 he explains what he went through.
15. "After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to off up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such n astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction."
16. "But, exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me out of the power of this enemy which had seized upon me, and at the very moment when I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction-not to an imaginary ruin, but to the power of some unseen world, who had such a marvelous power as I never before felt in any being- just at this moment of great alarm, I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me."
Sometimes I think that some people, including myself, forget how much he had to fight through to be able to receive the First Vision, and see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. One thing tat I heard from my Book of Mormon teacher during my 2nd semester at BYU was that after receiving a mission call, Lucifer or Satan would up his game to tempt those preparing to serve and preach the gospel. I didn't realize how true that was until this summer, with many new trials as I came home, and facing that little temptation telling every day that I didn't need to go, I could just get on with my life and not lose out on these next 2 years. But I know that these two years will be such a growing experience not only spiritually but also mentally and could maybe even help me to mature a little bit. They will be the best 2 years, but I am also prepared for them to be the hardest 2 years of my life up to this point. I know that with the help of my Heavenly Father I can rely on Him to help me to get through my trials and to persevere to do that which is right. I found this scripture as I was looking through some of the footnotes and absolutely loved it, in Micah 7:8 it reads,
"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me."
As Joseph Smith was completely enveloped in darkness and being taken over by the power of Satan, Heavenly Father stepped in and delivered him from the darkness. Heavenly Father knows how much we can endure and get through and won't put on us more than we can bear.
In the next 4 verses, 17-20, Joseph Smith explains what happened when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him, and some of it I will paraphrase, they read,
17. "It no sooner appeared that I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said pointing to the other- This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"
18. "I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)-and which I should join."
19. "I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in His sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: "they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof."
20. "He again forbade me to join with any of them; and many other things did he say unto me, which I cannot write at this time. When I came to myself again, I found myself lying on my back, looking up into heaven."
The First Vision is an immensely important part of what we are as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe in, without it we wouldn't have a church or the restored gospel. Without Joseph Smith the church would not have been restored to the earth, and we would not have the priesthood, a latter-day prophet and so much more. So much of what we believe in stems off from that very first experience that Joseph Smith had at that young age of 14. However, with this vision, it brought along with it much persecution. In verse 21 he was talking with a Methodist preacher who told him,
"It was all of the devil, that there were no such things as visions or revelations in these days; that all such things had ceased with the apostles, and that there would never be any more of them."
This is one thing that I personally have never understood in other religions that believe the same things as that Methodist preacher; though I have nothing against any ones opinions or beliefs. But why would our Heavenly Father, our Lord, leave us on this earth without any more and new revelations for modern times as we need to hear them? We no longer live in the days when Christ walked the earth and therefore have a need for modern day revelation for today's problems.
In the April 2005 General Conference, Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk called "The Fruits of the First Vision" in it he said,
"God has spoken to Joseph Smith for the purpose of blessing all of God's children with His mercy and love, even in times of uncertainties and insecurities, of wars and rumors of wars, of natural and personal disasters. The Savior said, "Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive" (3 Ne. 9:14). And all who accept this invitation will be "encircled about with the matchless bounty of His love" (Alma 26:15)."
Through our faith in the personal witness of the Prophet Joseph and the reality of the First Vision, through study and prayer, deep and sincere, we will be blessed with a firm faith in the Savior of the world, who spoke to Joseph "on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty."
Lastly I'd like to go back to Joseph Smith History and read verse 25, which says,
"So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me falsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it,neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation."
As many of you might know, for most of my life I never planned on going on a mission, just blew it off saying it wasn't for me, somebody else can do it, I didn't need to. I am so glad that I changed my mind and decided to go on a mission, and I cannot wait to teach the gospel that I love every day for these next 2 years.
I know that this church is true. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Joseph Smith restored the gospel to the earth once again, and did in fact see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ on the spring day in 1820. I know that we have a modern day prophet today in President Thomas S. Monson. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and that whoever reads it with real intent and prays to have a confirmation will receive that confirmation telling you that it is true. I have felt the Holy Ghost confirm that the Book of Mormon is true, and also that the Brazil Sao Paulo North Mission is where I am supposed to be and I cannot wait to serve the people there in any way possible.
To end, one thing I said often as I was getting ready to come home after 2nd semester was that I'd see them in the next life, girls didn't really appreciate that as they think they won't be married, but I know that we shall all be resurrected after the Second Coming and that we will be with our families for all of eternity. So therefore in case I don't see some of you again, I'd just like to say...I'll see you in the next life.
I know this church is true, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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